Estimation of direction and speed

The beam of BirdScan MR1 radars performs rotational scanning of the surveyed volume. Thereby the horizontal position of targets can be calculated and, for moving targets such as birds and bats, the flight direction and speed can be estimated. Flight direction and...

Signal acquisition

How BirdScan systems acquire radar signals (echos) from aerial fauna BirdScan detects migrating birds, bats, and insects by radar. Beams are emitted vertically from a static antenna across a conically-shaped field, using a wide aperture angle. The radar system emits a...

Radar and Antenna

BirdScan systems: pulsed X-band radar BirdScan systems include a pulsed X-band radar. The radar comprises an antenna, a transmit unit, and a receiver. The transmit unit generates hundreds of pulses per second. The antenna bundles the pulses into a directed beam, which...