BirdScan radar systems can reliably detect even small passerines and small bats. Thousand of echos per day can be recorded, each echo with relevant information attached: e.g. height, timestamp, radar-cross-section, and also complete signals with wing-flapping pattern.
To leverage the full potential of this data we offer Analytics services to crunch the data and deliver high quality analyses and reports. A few examples of display items are shown below.

Altitude migration profile
BirdScan radar systems provide precise information of altitude above ground of each detected echo, allowing to compute Migration Traffic Rate for specific altitude layers. Here standard altitude of 100 m (left) or 50 m (right).

Hourly migration profile
Per-hour mean MTR can be computed from seasonal or monthly data at ease. Relevant information can be plotted jointly (here light/dark periods).

Seasonal migration profile
Based on onset of dawn and dusk, the Migration Traffic Rate can be computed on a per day basis. Here for altitudes in 50 – 1000 m. Custom altitude and time resolutions are also possible.

Directional migration profile
BirdScan MR1 radars record direction and speed of individual echos, enabling directional migration profiles. In this example, the flight direction and speed of birds is plotted for 4 days (yellow) and nights (blue). It shows a pattern of South-West oriented migration. Directional migration profiles can be obtained for specific altitude layers and several time-granularities.

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