Hightech Radar Systems – Made in Switzerland

Where excellence in quality meets specialized expertise

Swiss Birdradar Solution AG excels in advanced radar remote sensing technologies, offering comprehensive products and services for the detection, classification, and precise tracking of avian and chiropteran species in flight. Our expertise lies in sustained biological monitoring and conducting meticulous environmental impact analyses, particularly in relation to infrastructural developments and wind energy projects.

We are committed to providing state-of-the-art monitoring equipment and expert services for both birds and bats, focusing on evaluating and mitigating collision risks to minimize ecological disruptions.

Our robust portfolio is underpinned by years of industry experience and profound technical knowledge, bolstered by synergistic collaborations with leading-edge industrial and academic partners, ensuring that our project outcomes and service offerings are of the highest standard.

Our Team

Dominik Kleger, Swiss-Birdradar

Dominik Kleger


Sara Meix, Swiss-Birdradar

Sara Meix

Assistant/ Secretary

Max Eggenberger, Swiss-Birdradar

Max Eggenberger

Head of Project Management

Fabian Hertner, Swiss-Birdradar

Fabian Hertner

Head of Development

Sara Meix, Swiss-Birdradar

Dr. Felix Liechti

Bird Migration Expert

Giordano Petrzilek, Swiss-Birdradar

Giordano Petrzilek

Production Manager

Manuel Stöckli, Swiss-Birdradar

Manuel Stöckli

Software Engineer

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Bruderer

Simon Vogel

Software Engineer

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Bruderer

Lisa Pfalzgraf

Service Engineer

Urs Seiffert, Swiss-Birdradar

Urs Seiffert

Business Development

Dr. phil. nat. Herbert Stark

Dr. phil. nat. Herbert Stark

Bird Migration Expert

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Bruderer

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Bruderer

Senior Advisor

Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Bruderer

Julien Föhn

ICT Engineer


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